"GIS Is Not Dead, It's Coming For You And It's Been Drinking JavaScript" (Helm, 2013)
Research Project Conclusions
This a la carte JS library approach to Web GIS requires a shift in mindset and experience in coding.
It may not be for everyone, and some GIS practitioners may still find value in the GIS-in-a-box approach
offered by the big venerated GIS vendors.
But know this: open source JavaScript web mapping tools can not only replace desktop GIS,
but also the Big Boy map provider APIs as well; Learn to code some JavaScript and then know it's
OK to breakup with ArcMap and map a new world onto the web.
Ideas for Furthur Research
Raster Processing with Open Source Tools: Leaflet/Mapbox or Google's Terra Bella / SkyBox
Geospatial Databases -- MongoDB JavaScript datastore, PostGIS Open Source Spatial Database
Web GIS on the Server Side: Node.JS vs GeoServer, MapServer
3d Viewers using Web GL browser-based technology